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Newsletter Vol.27

Engaging stakeholders in critical AR4D areas
Dear stakeholders,

We have just concluded a two-day workshop (October 5th - 6th) of key stakeholders on the application of the Policy Practice Index (PPI) in ASARECA Member States. The main objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of ASARECA member states in the application of the PPI and ultimately boost members’ capacity for climate-relevant policy advocacy.

In the coming week (October 14, to 16), we will convene senior scientists from the NARIs to write a joint project proposal on some of the most critical Agricultural Research for Development priorities in our member countries. On the week on October 18th to 22nd, ASARECA in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MAAIF), Uganda, through the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) will be hosting 18 senior researchers from 9 of the 14 ASARECA States in Uganda. ASARECA arranged for the researchers to learn from some of the edge-cutting technologies, innovations, systems and procedures from Uganda, which they can emulate in their countries. This is planned to be a rotational annual benchmarking event for scientists in ASARECA member states.

Finally, allow me to say, despite limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have attempted to engage you our stakeholders in all manner possible. In this month’s edition of our newsletter, we provide you updates on a range of developments in our space including the formation of the ASARECA Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance; the launch of a book on the Sustainable Intensification of Maize–Legume Cropping Systems for food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa (SIMLESA) Project  among others.

I welcome you to catch-up with us here.

Dr. Enock Warinda
Interim Executive Director-ASARECA


Latest updates

ASARECA searching for substantive Executive Director
ASARECA has kicked off the process of searching for a substantive Executive Director to lead the Association. The process started off with the hiring of a professional recruitment agency, SRI Executive, which has been entrusted to support the executive search of an exceptional leader for the position of Executive Director. Full story: ASARECA is searching for new Executive Director

Policy analysis & advocacy

ASARECA has convened key stakeholders for virtual training on the application of the Policy Practice Index (PPI) in ASARECA member countries. This meeting takes place from October 5 to 6, 2021 and will be conducted through a combination of presentations, plenary sessions and practical sessions. The workshop will bring together policy makers, policy experts, monitoring and evaluation experts, climate scientists, and ASARECA National Focal Persons from member states. Full storyASARECA convenes stakeholders for training to boost policy analysis and advocacy

Capacity strengthening
ASARECA Secretariat wishes to inform its stakeholders of the appointment of new staff at the Secretariat based in Entebbe Uganda. The new officers are taking on Programme based roles in support of ASARECA’s mandate as coordinator and convener of Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) in Eastern and Central Africa.. Full story: ASARECA gets new programme staff

Africa- European partnership 

Efforts aimed at building enduring Alliances between national governments, Sub-Regional Organisations (SROs), the African Union and European partners, must be backed by sound reporting, ASARECA Interim Executive Director, Dr.Enock Warinda has said. Full storyEuropean Union, African Union and national partnership requires close coordination


AR4D Highlights

Over 60 key stakeholders drawn from ASARECA member countries have agreed to form an umbrella Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Alliance. The stakeholders also designated ASARECA as host, coordinator and convener of the new facility which they named the ASARECA Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (ASACSAA). During a three day consultative virtual workshop on August 11, 2021 on institutionalization of Climate Smart Agriculture in the 14 ASARECA member countries, stakeholders highlighted the need to make existing CSA Alliances work through coordination. Full story ASARECA member countries form Umbrella Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance
Climate Smart Agriculture

ASARECA member countries are implementing over 489 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) initiatives aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change, a new study commissioned by ASARECA with financial support from the European Union and IFAD has revealed. The wide ranging initiatives include projects (50.7%); programmes (15.5%); networks/partnerships (13.1%); strategies/plans (11.9%); Communities of Practice (CoPs) (4.9%); hubs/platforms (2.2%); and policies (1.6%).  Full story:  Climate Smart Agriculture initiatives in ASARECA countries are uncoordinated


Policy makers, ministers, business people and researchers in countries that  implemented the 10-year-Sustainable Intensification of Maize–Legume Cropping Systems for food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa (SIMLESA) Project have been urged to ensure that the technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPs) promoted by the project are out-scaled to spread real impacts to livelihoods. Full story:  Book to scale up SIMLESA impacts launched

Book review: Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa (SIMLESA)


Copyright © *2019*ASARECA*, All rights reserved.

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
Plot 5, Mpigi Road | P. O. Box 765, Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 320 556, +256 414 321 885

Email: newsletter@asareca.org/Website: www.asareca.org

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