ASARECA Newsletter Vol.10

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ASARECA @25: Celebrating Decades of Coordinating Collaborative Agricultural Research for Development (1994-2019)
Dear AR4D colleagues,
A few weeks ago I shared with you a statement on how ASARECA is keeping the AR4D momentum with COVID-19 in our midst. Like many of you, we continue to work at home as our Governments explore all avenues to ensure the safety of our populations, most of whom practice agriculture.  In this Issue, we would like to share more perspectives on options, especially policy options that could either make or break the struggle against COVID-19, food security, climate change and the ravaging locusts, which descended upon us prior to COVID. It has been three months of misfortune. It is our hope that we will together turn this into opportunities.

I would also like to take this opportunity to share with you our latest publication: ASARECA @25: Celebrating decades of Coordinating Collaborative Agricultural Research for Development (1994-2019). The book is in two versions:

Full version: This is a fairly comprehensive account of achievements of ASARECA since establishment in 1994. The book describes ASARECA value proposition, and going forward, highlights CAADP-XP4 as the flagship project that ASARECA is implementing as part of a broad outlook of how ASARECA is now positioned to serve its constituents. Besides, the book showcases key achievements from a total investment of USD 131million (mainly from our Development Partners and the Governments of member countries) expended through projects implemented in the 12 member countries since inception.

Abridged version: The abridged version is a condensed summary of achievements in form of snap-shots to ease your reference. 

We believe that the two documents will facilitate advocacy efforts to raise the visibility of ASARECA, our Development Partners, and Governments to crowd-in more partnerships for resource mobilisation. These books have also been shared with a number of targeted partners via email, and so, we apologise in advance for possible double posting. We thank you for all your contributions towards the achievements.
Prof. Jean Jacques Mbonigaba Muhinda
Executive Secretary—ASARECA



We have published and are happy to share with you a fairly comprehensive account of our achievements since establishment in 1994. In this book we also describe ASARECA value proposition, going forward, as well as showcase key impacts from a total investment of USD 131million. Please download: ASARECA @25: Celebrating decades of Coordinating Collaborative Agricultural Research for Development (1994-2019) Full VersionASARECA @25: Celebrating decades of Coordinating Collaborative Agricultural Research for Development (1994-2019) Abridged Version


There are 123 million people, including 75 million stunted children in crisis in just 50 countries sampled. Another in 183 million people in 47 countries have been classified to be in stressed conditions, and at the risk of slipping into crisis. Of the 50 countries compared by FAO and several international humanitarian agencies, there is worsening acute food insecurity in key conflict-driven crises, notably the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Ethiopia, and the growing severity of drought and economic shocks as drivers in countries such as Haiti, Pakistan and Zimbabwe. This recently published report is a must read for AR4D stakeholders:  2020 Global Report On Food Crises: Joint Analysis For Better Decisions


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, sending several countries into lockdown and disruptions in already struggling food and input supply systems. While this suggests a possible economic and food crisis, there are  a number of policy options and actions that Governments can adopt or avoid to keep African economies and populations afloat. Insights in this article: The Triple Tragedy of COVID-19, Climate Change and Food Insecurity: Policy Responses in Africa

Everybody is eating. Everybody needs food despite social distancing and all the discomfort associated with COVID-19. The demand for food continues to weigh heavily on the agricultural sector that accounts for 70–80 percent of the world's food. How will the world cope with this need during and after the CORONA virus onslaught?  We believe that Africa can be a solution: Yes, Africa Can Feed the World


Article by Docteur Papa Abdoulaye Seck, Membre de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France, Ambassadeur de la République du Sénégal à Rome, Ancien ministre de l’agriculture et de l’équipement rural du Sénégal: Gestion du Coronavirus ou Covid-19: Population Africaine Confinee et Besoins Alimentaires





Copyright © *2019*ASARECA*, All rights reserved.

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
Plot 5, Mpigi Road | P. O. Box 765, Entebbe, Uganda
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