Agriculture Ministers Commit to Clear USD 2 Million Arrears to Finance Joint Initiatives
NAIROBI, KENYA: Agriculture Line Ministers from 15 ASARECA Member States on February 15, 2024 committed to establish, support and finance a Regional Innovation Fund to resource Regional Mega-Priority Projects and Regional Centres of Excellence implemented by the Member States and Coordinated by the ASARECA Secretariat.
The commitment came through a Joint Communiqué by Ministers of Agriculture at the end of the 3rd ASARECA Council of Patron Ministers meeting, which was convened by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development in collaboration with ASARECA and Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).

The Communique binds Member States, including the Republic of Burundi, Republic of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, State of Eritrea, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Madagascar, Republic of the Congo, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of the Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Federal Republic of Somalia, and the Republic of Uganda.
In the Joint Communique, the Ministers unanimously committed their Governments and rallied concerted action from a range of multiple stakeholders including Ministries of Agriculture, National Agricultural Research Institutes, Development Partners, Private Sector, Farmers’ Organizations, International Research Organizations and Extension Agencies to resource ASARECA to realize its mandate.
Payment of Arrears in Membership contributions
The Member States also unanimously adopted the Joint Communiqué passed by the Council of Patron Ministers in May 2023 to pay the outstanding membership arrears, currently standing at over USD 2,000,000 by 1 July 2024. They also reiterated an earlier position to implement payment of revised Annual Membership contributions of USD 100,000 per country effective 1 July 2024.
The Member States also pledged to engage with Development Partners and Donors to strengthen ASARECA’s coordination and financing of agriculture development in Eastern and Central Africa.
Political support
They re-affirmed continued political and material support at both national and regional levels to build a stronger ASARECA and to promote sustainability of the Association, free flow of new ideas, research results, technologies, and innovations to generate the much-needed Spill Overs across institutions and countries. The 3rd CPM provided a platform for the ministers to deliberate on strategic initiatives proposed by ASARECA Secretariat as well as avenues of financing the initiatives.

Theme of the 3rd Council of Patron Ministers
The theme of the 3rd Council of Patron Ministers was: Together Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihoods, Sustained Economic Growth, and Inclusive Development in Eastern and Central Africa.
Key issues discussed
During 3rd Council of Patron Ministers, the Ministers discussed how to support ASARECA to exercise its mandate of coordinating efforts by the Member States to Transform Agriculture for Improved Livelihoods, Sustained Economic Growth, and Inclusive Development in Eastern and Central Africa. Specifically, CPM provided a platform through which the Ministers Endorsed ASARECA Priorities and Strategies for the period 2024 – 2028.
Who attended?
The 3rd Council of Patron Ministers was attended by the Line ministers responsible for Agriculture in ASARECA Member States, the President of the ASARECA General Assembly, Directors General of National Agricultural Research Institutes, ASARECA Board of Directors, and Representatives of Development Partners.