ASARECA consults stakeholders on next Medium Term Plan

ENTEBBE–ASARECA is holding a consultative workshop (17-19, July 2023) for its stakeholders to generate and share data and information as part of the process of reviewing the performance of its Medium Term Operational Plan 1 (MTOP-1), which ends in December 2023.
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, ASARECA Executive Director, Dr. Enock Warinda said the consultations will culminate into the development of the Medium Term Plan 2 (MTOP-2), which is expected to guide ASARECA programming starting January 2024 and spanning the next five years.
The core functions of ASARECA are to mobilize and coordinate human, physical, financial, and institutional capital to implement research, extension, and training for agricultural transformation in ECA sub region. ASARECA is strategically positioned to perform a higher level facilitative, supportive, coordination and advocacy roles to enhance sustainable agricultural transformation and economic growth in the ECA sub region.
ASARECA developed a ten-year Strategy and Results Framework (A-SRF) covering the period 2019-2028. The current A-SRF is operationalized using two medium term operational plans, each covering five years. ASARECA developed the first Medium Term Operational Plan One (MTOP-1) covering the period 2019-2023.The MTOP-2 will advance MTOP-1 milestones by installing appropriate mechanisms required to deliver on the mandate of the repositioned ASARECA. It will ensure provision of leadership in brokering, nurturing, catalysing, and coordinating effective AR4D partnerships that deliver high priority regional outcomes in ECA sub region.
This will require continued strengthening of ASARECA the “Secretariat” and ASARECA the “Association” to perform higher level facilitative, supportive, coordination and advocacy role to enhance sustainable agricultural transformation, sustained economic growth and inclusive development in the ECA sub region.
Some of ASARECA stakeholders in the workshop include researchers from the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs), Policy experts and influencers, Knowledge Management practitioners, and capacity development experts from Eastern and Central Africa.