Ben Moses Ilakut
Technical Communications Officer
Mr. Ben Moses Ilakut is the Technical Communications and Knowledge Management Officer, ASARECA. He has over 10 years’ experience in practicing and deploying Development Communication and Knowledge Management approaches and tools to foster learning and uptake of innovations in Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D). Mr Ilakut has over the years supported ASARECA to manage corporate communication and public relations to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships to harness resources that the world of AR4D demands for effective delivery of development outcomes. He has a passion for knowledge management, project communication, media and publicity management, publication and documentation of AR4D processes, outcomes, and lessons learnt. At the strategic level, his immediate task is to support the National Agricultural Research Systems to mainstream and implement processes for knowledge development, capture, collation, processing and dissemination into their strategic blue prints. He holds a Masters degree in Development Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from Uganda Christian University and Makerere University, respectively. The two disciplines have provided him the appropriate lens to discern and communicate development issues including research breakthroughs, innovation, pests and diseases, policy, markets, trade, and value chains. Over the last 15 years, he has mastered in detail and led arrangements towards organising high-level conferences and dialogues aimed at keeping the AR4D discourse centre stage in international development agenda.