Minister Calls for Impactful and Transformative Agricultural Research

Minister Calls for Impactful and Transformative Agricultural Research

Hon. Frank Tumwebaze (Centre) flanked by Dr. Warinda (to his left), Hon. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga (to his right), and MAAIF Undersecretary, who represented the MAAIF Permanent Secretary


KAMPALA: The ASARECA Agriculture Ministerial Conference (AAMC) closed on May 19, 2023, with a call on scientists to engage in research that easily benefits the intended beneficiarfies—the farmers. The call was made by Uganda’s Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Hon. Frank Timwebaze while addressing over 350 delegetes during the closing ceremony of the AAMC, which started on May 17, with Governance discussions, climaxing into the Council of Patron Minsters Meeting on May 18 and the ASARECA Scientific Conference held on May 18.

Earlier, his colleagues Hon. Bright Rwamirama, Minister of State and Livestock; Hon. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga, Minister of State for Agriculture, and the Permanent Secretary, officiated during the General Assembly, the Council of Patron Ministers Meeting,  and Scientifuc Conference respectively. The three-in-one event constitutes ASARECA’s convening flagship.

“Research should help farmers build resilient seed systems and solutions to diseases for both animals and crops. It should be adaptive and impactful,” the Minister, who is also the current Chairman of the ASARECA Council of Patron Ministers, told over 350 delegates from 15 ASARECA Member States. “We want to see member countries sharing innovations to build resilience for our ecosystems. ”

Do not forget idegeneous innovations

Tumwebaze also challenged the researchers to engage in their speciality with ‘a native touch”. “Our agricultural research agenda must be driven by our indigenous knowledge as nations.  It must be our agenda, not anyone else’s,” he said.

He identified increased production as a game changer, noting that doubling yield comes with innovation. “Why should we produce research and it is kept on the shelves?” he wondered.

Having all NARIs in Board is excellent

The Minister thanked the ASARECA Secretaraiat and other Governance structures for fulfilling the demand by Member States  to bring back all Directors General of the National Agricultural Research Institues (NARIs) into the ASARECA Board of Directors.

“The Essence of having all the NARIs in the Board is to facilitate sharing of  research methodologies and products, increase food production and fight food insecurity,” he said.


Date Published: Monday, 05 June 2023