Activities of the ACSAA are handled within the five thematic working groups whose key functions include:
Resource Mobilization:
- Assess & identity main sources of climate-relevant funding
- Periodically convene meetings to jointly develop regional CSA proposals and concept notes
- Mobilize funds from national institution to ACSAA activities & leverage on existing projects/resources
- Identify and compile country research gaps in CSA
Awareness creation
The Awareness creation, Data & Knowledge Management WG of ACSAA is meant to:
- Collect and review content to feed into newsletters, briefs, journals, newspaper articles, review articles, opinions to increase awareness of CSA approaches
- Provide updates on CSA activities in each country
- Identify and share CSA opportunities and events (including scientific conferences) with ACSAA members
- Write a fact sheet with to highlight ACSAA achievements and impact
- Prepare a report on the status of CSA initiatives in ECA region
- Organize one annual workshop for all ACSAA members
- Organize CSA benchmarking exercises, field and exchange visits, awareness creations events, Farmer Field Days, Farmer Field Schools, Weather days, CSA days
- Organize trainings in CSA to build capacity of young agricultural scientists
- Organize periodic meetings for steering committee members of ACSAA
Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
- Identify and reach-out to all CSA platforms at country, continent, and global level
- Mobilize and recruit all stakeholders involved in CSA at national level to join ACSAA
- Support the establishment of country chapters of ACSAA in countries where no multistakeholder CSA platform exist
- Strengthen national CSA MSPs
- Organize partnership brokerage events with national, regional, continental, and global CSA platforms
- Engage key private sector players to commercialize and promote best bet climate smart TIMPs
- Routinely update the ASARECA database of scientists involved in climate change and CSA in all agricultural sub sectors of fisheries, livestock, crop and forestry) in each country
Policy & advocacy
- Curate the available CSA policies, strategies, and/ or guidelines in each country
- Work with the relevant officials to support the formulation of CSA policies in case they don’t exist
- Work with relevant officials and support the implementation of CSA programs within their National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs).
- Participate or support ACSAA members to attend high level CSA events including UNFCCC COP meetings and the Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Stakeholders Conference
Technology & Innovation
- Map-out the most promising best-bet climate-relevant technologies that are proven or have been commercialized within each country
- Facilitate intellectual property & material transfer agreements to move technologies from one country to another
- Routinely validate demand-driven climate smart TIMPs
- Disseminate and promote the most promising best-bet climate smart TIMPs available in each country for commercialization