Following the formation of the ACSAA, stakeholders designated ASARECA as host, coordinator, and convener of the new facility. As a coordinator, ASARECA Secretariat is charged with ensuring the Alliance serves as an interactive platform that brings together direct and indirect beneficiaries of ongoing projects within the Member States; support national efforts to enact CSA related policies to guide the implementation of CSA related initiatives in the region; and broker partnerships with other continental and global CSA Alliances for the benefit of its national constituents.

Dr. Enock Warinda
Chairperson & Patron

Athanase Cyamweshi
Vice Chairperson & Member of Resource Mobilization

Joshua Okonya
Coordinator & General Secretary

Dr. Bashir Ahmed
Chairperson, Awareness Creation, Data and KM WG Sudan

Dr. Michael Okoti
Chairperson, esource mobilization WG, Kenya

Dr. Everline Komutunga
Chairperson, Multistakeholder Patnerships WG, Uganda

Dr. Sali Borou
Chairperson Policy and Advocacy WG, Cameroon

Dr. Jean Pierre Kabongo
Chaiiperson Technology & Innovation WG, DRC

Sophia Mondi Ikobo,

Dr. Dejene Abera
Member, RM WG - Ethiopia

Claudette Nkurunziza
Member MSP WG - Buundi

Dr. Lucie Aba-TOUMNOU
Member PA WG - CAR

Ashura Ally Dulazi
Member TI WG - Tanzania

Dr. Zakaria Mohamed
Member ACDKM, Somalia

Annuarite Uwera
Member RM WG - Rwanda

Dr. Laingo Rasolofo
Member MSP WG - Madagascar

Dr. Luka Awata
Member PA WG - South Sudan

Samuel Bereket
TI WG - Eritea